
Replacements are particularly useful at preprocessing URL parameters - for example, converting an ID number into an actual object.

Replacements must implement Centum\Interfaces\Router\ReplacementInterface.

namespace App\Web\Replacements;

use App\Models\Post;
use Centum\Interfaces\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Router\ReplacementInterface;
use Centum\Router\Exception\RouteMismatchException;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

class PostReplacement implements ReplacementInterface
    public function __construct(
        protected readonly EntityManagerInterface $entityManager
    ) {

    public function getIdentifier(): string
        return "Post";

    public function getRegularExpression(): string
        return "\d+";

    public function filter(string $value): Post
        $postRepository = $this->entityManager->getRepository(

        $post = $postRepository->find($value) ?? throw new RouteMismatchException();

        return $post;

In the above example, if the App\Models\Post object cannot be found in the database, Centum\Router\Exception\RouteMismatchException is thrown to avoid having to deal with it in the Controller. When this exception is thrown, the Router understands that to mean that this Route isn’t suitable and will continue iterating through the remaining Routes to find another match.

When setting the Routes in the Router a Replacement can be added and Routes can reference its identifier (in this case Post):

use App\Web\Controllers\PostController;
use App\Web\Replacements\PostReplacement;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

/** @var EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */

    new PostReplacement($entityManager)

$group = $router->group();

$group->get("/post/{post:Post}", PostController::class, "view");

Now, the Controller has access to the Post object:

namespace App\Web\Controllers;

use App\Models\Post;
use Centum\Http\Response;
use Centum\Interfaces\Http\ResponseInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Router\ControllerInterface;

class PostController implements ControllerInterface
    public function view(Post $post): ResponseInterface
        //TODO Do something with the $post object.

        return new Response(