
To reuse the same form in multiple places, you can define the fields in a Form Template. Form Templates are designed to simplify the process of creating Forms.

In a Form Template, each public method represents a Centum\Forms\Field. The Field’s name is defined as the method’s name. The Field is passed as a parameter and does not need to be returned.

namespace App\Forms;

use Centum\Filter\String\Trim;
use Centum\Forms\Field;
use Centum\Forms\FormTemplate;
use Centum\Validator\NotEmpty;

class LoginTemplate extends FormTemplate
    public function username(Field $field): void
            new Trim()

            new NotEmpty()

    public function password(Field $field): void
            new NotEmpty()

You can then use the FormFactory class to create the actual Form:

use App\Forms\LoginTemplate;
use Centum\Forms\FormFactory;

$template = new LoginTemplate();

$formFactory = new FormFactory();

$form = $formFactory->createFromTemplate($template);