Dynamic URLs

URLs can be defined with dynamic values by enclosing their identifier in curly brackets (eg. {id}):

use App\Web\Controllers\PostController;

$group = $router->group();

$group->get("/post/{id}", PostController::class, "view");

This value is then available from within the Controller:

namespace App\Web\Controllers;

use Centum\Interfaces\Http\ResponseInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Router\ControllerInterface;

class PostController implements ControllerInterface
    public function view(string $id): ResponseInterface
        return new Response("hello $id");

Multiple parameters can also be defined:

use App\Web\Controllers\CalendarController;

$group = $router->group();

$group->get("/calendar/{year}/{month}/{day}", CalendarController::class, "day");
namespace App\Web\Controllers;

use Centum\Interfaces\Http\ResponseInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Router\ControllerInterface;

class CalendarController implements ControllerInterface
    public function day(string $year, string $month, string $day): ResponseInterface
        return new Response("The date is $year-$month-$day.");

Parameter Requirements

You can require that the parameters adhere to a certain format by appending the type onto the end of the parameter identifier. By default, the Router can interpret these 4 types but can be extended using Replacements:

Type Regular expression
int \d+
slug [a-z0-9]+(?:\-[a-z0-9]+)*
char [^/]
any [^/]+

If no type is specified, the Router will default to any.

Reusing the PostController from earlier, this example will match /post/1, /post/2, /post/3 and so on but will not match something like /post/abc:

use App\Web\Controllers\PostController;

$group = $router->group();

$group->get("/post/{id:int}", PostController::class, "view");

Also take note that the int Replacement converts the value to an integer so you’ll need to specify the int type in the Controller:

namespace App\Web\Controllers;

use Centum\Interfaces\Http\ResponseInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Router\ControllerInterface;

class PostController implements ControllerInterface
    public function view(int $id): ResponseInterface
        return new Response("hello $id");