
The Queue component is designed for offloading work so that it can be processed elsewhere or at a later time. This is especially useful for tasks that could take a long time, be hardware intensive, or otherwise negatively affect the application’s performance.

Centum\Interfaces\Queue\QueueInterface features two public methods:

  • publish(Centum\Interfaces\Queue\TaskInterface $task): void
  • consume(): Centum\Interfaces\Queue\TaskInterface

The consume() method will retreive the next available Task and also execute it. If a Task throws an Exception whilst it is being consumed, the Queue component may bury it or mark it as failed so that it can be dealt with later.

Both methods work with Centum\Interfaces\Queue\TaskInterface which represents a piece of work that a background worker can execute. Tasks may be serialised/unserialised internally so any complicated objects should be called through the Container in the execute() method:

namespace App\Tasks;

use Centum\Interfaces\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Queue\TaskInterface;

class LogTask implements TaskInterface
    public function __construct(
        protected readonly string $message
    ) {

    public function execute(ContainerInterface $container): void
        $line = sprintf(
            "[%s] %s" . PHP_EOL,
            date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),

        file_put_contents("log.txt", $line, FILE_APPEND);

This Task can then be published from anywhere and consumed from anywhere else in your code. One typical use case is publishing a Task from within a Controller and then consuming it in a Command:

namespace App\Web\Controllers;

use App\Tasks\LogTask;
use Centum\Http\Response;
use Centum\Interfaces\Http\ResponseInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Router\ControllerInterface;

class IndexController implements ControllerInterface
    public function index(QueueInterface $queue): ResponseInterface
        $logTask = new LogTask("Queue works OK.");


        return new Response("hello");
namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Centum\Console\CommandMetadata;
use Centum\Interfaces\Console\CommandInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Console\TerminalInterface;
use Centum\Interfaces\Queue\QueueInterface;

class QueueConsumeCommand implements CommandInterface
    public function __construct(
        protected readonly QueueInterface $queue
    ) {

    public function execute(TerminalInterface $terminal): int

        return 0;

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